Pregnant & Parenting Students
Early Registration Parenting Students
Under Texas S.B. 459 which took effect September 1, 2023 institutions providing early registration for any student populations shall provide early registration for parenting students in the same manner. Parenting student: a student enrolled at an institution of higher education who is the parent or legal guardian of a child under 18 years of age.
Learn more about the rights and resources available for parenting students
Lactation Rooms
Student Life and Texas A&M University are committed to supporting healthy practices for all Texas A&M staff, faculty and students who are planning a pregnancy, are currently pregnant or who are nursing. Student Life has compiled a list of lactation rooms on campus for our parenting students' convenience.
Student Care & Support
Critical Incident Response Team (CIRT)
Texas A&M University prioritizes student health, safety, and well-being. With a large community of over 70,000 students, the Division of Student Affairs recognizes that critical incidents will happen and can significantly impact students. To address these situations, the Critical Incident Response Team (CIRT) operates 24/7, providing specialized support, resources, and assistance to help students stabilize and resume their academic pursuits.
Case Management
Case management is a collaborative process that assesses, plans, coordinates, implements, monitors and evaluates options and/or services to meet a student’s needs. We utilize a student-centered and holistic approach to provide individualized support that looks at the whole person and their unique needs.
Food Resources
There are a number of resources available to students who may need food and/or basic toiletries, both on and off campus. Please make an appointment with a Student Assistance Services staff member (case manager) to discuss the best way for us to connect you to the appropriate resources.
Learn more about Texas A&M's food resources
Former Foster & Adopted Aggies
The Former Foster and Adopted Aggie Program (FFAA) at Texas A&M encompasses all support services, resources, and programmatic efforts that support foster care alumni. The term foster care alumni includes students who aged out of the system or were adopted. We can provide students with information and advice on financial aid, tuition fees and exemptions, on and off-campus living options, transportation, health care, campus employment and other available campus and community services.
Learn more about resources available to former foster and adopted Aggies
Pocket Pantry
The purpose of the Pocket Pantry Program is to provide temporary relief to Texas A&M students in need who are experiencing food insecurity by providing immediate access to non-perishable food and toiletries before directing them to additional support resources on campus. Pocket Pantries are located across campus. Look for the Pocket Pantry Symbol.
Find the nearest Pocket Pantry location
1:1 Appointments
Student Life provides 1:1 appointments through our Student Legal Services, Student Assistance Services, and Off Campus Student Services units. Any student facing a legal issue, a crisis situation, or in need of help with living off-campus, our staff is here to help!
Legal Concerns
Our Student Legal Services unit offers free mediation to all Texas A&M students as an option to help resolve conflicts and disagreements. Mediation is a problem solving process facilitated by a neutral third party who promotes understanding and settlement in a safe and confidential environment. Student issues that benefit from mediation range from civil and commercial disputes to family and interpersonal disagreements.
Student Life offers free notary services to all Texas A&M faculty, staff, and students. Call Student Life to make an appointment!
Helpful Forms
New Students & Families
Parent & Family Portal
The Aggie Parent & Family Connection is designed to enhance your Aggie family experience by providing customized newsletters and 24/7 access to information, news and resources curated just for family members of Texas A&M students. The Aggie Parent & Family Connection delivers the most current information on a regular basis.
Sign up for the Aggie Parent & Family Connection
New Student Virtual Handbook
The New Student Handbook is intended as a resource for new students as they transition to Texas A&M and throughout their first year. Information about the university, student services, student organizations, and much more is included in this online resource.
Off-Campus Living
AggieSearch is Texas A&M’s official housing site. Members of the Texas A&M community can use it to search for a great roommate or a place to live. The Resources section also provides a wealth of helpful tools, from a roommate contract template to a budgeting worksheet. To access the full range of features, students should create an Affiliate account using their Texas A&M email address.
Learn more about the resources available through Student Life, on-campus, and in the community.
Learn more about the resources available through Student Life, on-campus, and in the community.