Standard Administrative Procedure
Read the Pregnancy and Parenting Rights, Accommodations, and Resources for Students SAP for Texas A&M University campuses.
Parenting Student Early Registration
Under Texas S.B. 459 which took effect September 1, 2023, institutions providing early registration for any student populations shall provide early registration for parenting students in the same manner. Parenting student: a student enrolled at an institution of higher education who is the parent or legal guardian of a child under 18 years of age.
For more information about priority registration, parenting students can contact the Student Parent Liaison via email at [email protected] or by phone at 979.845.3111.
Undergraduate and graduate students may self-certify by completing the form below. To be considered for pre-registration for the 2025 Summer/Fall semesters, students must self-certify by 5 p.m. on Friday, February 28, 2025.
*Students will be required to recertify for each registration period. The certification form will become available at the beginning of each semester.
*Please note, priority registration is only available to continuing students. New/incoming students will register for classes on their selected New Student Conference date.
The deadline to register as a parenting student for pre-registration has passed. If you have any questions please contact Student Life by emailing Brittney Braswell, [email protected]
Frequently Asked Questions
Many questions asked by pregnant and parenting students have nuanced answers which cannot be posted in the FAQ section of this website. Students whose questions are not answered by these FAQs are encouraged to reach out to the Student Parent Liaison, Dr. Stefanie Baker, 979-845-3111 or [email protected].
Academic Concerns
For information regarding pregnancy or related conditions leave or to request accommodations related to pregnancy, please contact Julie Kuder at: [email protected], 979.458.8407.
Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Student Rules (Absences Related to Pregnancy) and 10.6 (Grading Related to Pregnancy) allow for an excused absence for the time period deemed medically necessary by the student’s physician. You must make each leave request separately, one to each instructor.
Title IX gives you the opportunity to return to the same academic and extracurricular status as before your medical leave for pregnancy or related conditions began but still expects you to complete the coursework required to receive a final grade. When you return to school after the duration of absence deemed medically necessary by your physician, the department in which you took the course will offer ways to make up missed work, such as retaking a semester, online options if available or timelines for completion of work. Students are advised to contact their Academic Advisor (or Committee Chair for graduate students) as soon as possible so that they may assist with developing a plan, including requesting a No Grade if applicable.
For information on an incomplete grade related to pregnancy please contact our Title IX office at [email protected] or 979.458.8407.
Financial Concerns
Students who are receiving student financial aid or scholarships through the university are encouraged to meet with the Aggie One Stop as soon as possible to discuss the specifics of their situation.
Student Life facilitates leaves of absence, on a voluntary basis, for parenting students and the Title IX Office facilitates leaves of absence for pregnant students. A pregnant or parenting student may undertake a leave of absence and, if in good academic standing at the start of the leave of absence, return to the student's degree or certificate program in good academic standing without being required to reapply for admission.
Childcare Concerns
There are many childcare facilities in the Bryan/College Station Community. The Texas Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS) offers a database for parents to search for licensed facilities. Parents are highly encouraged to utilize the database to learn about childcare options in our community and their relative safety.
In addition to the childcare facilities in the community, the university operates Becky Gates Children's Center and Charlotte Sharp Children’s Center. Information about contacting these centers can be found under Community Resources
Workforce Solutions Brazos Valley offers a low-income childcare subsidy through its Child Care Services program. This the size of the The size of the subsidy is based on the parent's income. To be eligible, each parent or guardian living with the child must be working, in an approved training program, or in school a minimum of 25 hours per week. This program typically has a waitlist and students are encouraged to look into the program as soon as possible.
Child Care & Early Learning Program - Texas Workforce Commission
Texas A&M University Student Rule 7 states that these types of absences would be considered an excused absence. Students are responsible for providing satisfactory evidence to the instructor to substantiate the reason for the absence. Students are encouraged to work with the instructor to determine how to make up missed classwork. Rule relates to the death or major illness of a student's immediate family. Rule relates to the illness of a dependent family member.
Harassment Concerns
Students who have questions or believe they have experienced discrimination, harassment, sexual harassment/sex-based misconduct, and/or related retaliation are encouraged to contact :
Jennifer Smith
Assistant Vice President and Title IX Coordinator
YMCA Building Ste. 108, 365 Houston St., College Station, TX 77843.
Phone: 979.458.8407
Email: [email protected].
The Title IX website can be found at
Learn more about the resources available through Student Life, on-campus, and in the community.
Learn more about the resources available through Student Life, on-campus, and in the community.